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A Reflector Entrepreneur: Building a Brand

Writer's picture: BrittaBritta

How does one build a brand and attract clients to create a successful business? Likely, a combination of clever marketing and community outreach. Perhaps some brand collaborations. Time and patience. Taking measures towards success without actively expecting it.

How does a Human Design Reflector build a brand and attract clients to create a successful business? A combination of all of the above. At a snail's pace.


Yeah, but really...

In Human Design, Reflector Strategy and Authority - meaning, the way Reflectors are guided to make decisions for themselves in the most aligned way for their body, mind, and soul - is to wait a lunar cycle. Yup, that means 28 days from start to finish.

For the uninitiated, the idea behind this is that Reflectors don't have any consistent energy within their being. Being completely undefined in all of our centers, we function at the whims of the transits and the other people around us who we can energetically connect in to for boosts of consistency. This lack of consistency also makes us lunar beings. Where all the other Human Design aura types are guided by the sun, we are guided by the moon. Like the moon, Reflectors move through a lunar cycle. Thus, waiting a full lunar cycle, or 28 days, to make major decisions gives us the ability to feel into every lunar possibility - as the moon moves through each of its gates - before making a decision.

Human Design Reflector Chart
My Reflector Chart, for Reference - Reflectors are rare. Most people have at least 2 colored in centers in their charts. These colored in centers give them consistent energy in these centers.

A few caveats here: I am not simply an empty vessel that shape shifts with the transits and the people around me. I am a unique human being with my own personality. In my Human Design chart, my profile lines, the unique gates that make up my undefined chart, and my four arrows have a huge impact on my BEINGness. From an Akashic Records perspective, my past live traumas and gifts have greatly influenced how I have showed up in the world and my higher self guides me forward towards living my most aligned life (and yes, I can see all those past life traumas, gifts, and the life path my higher self is guiding me towards in my Human Design chart). While I have always been a social chameleon and am extremely inconsistent in how I show up from day to day and within different groups, there are still inherent parts of me that are unique to me. Furthermore, my inconsistent lunar beingness adds to what makes me me.

Additionally, there is so much nuance to the lunar cycle. I usually say the lunar cycle is for big decisions only. I mean, seriously, a girls gotta eat on a day to day basis! Waiting a lunar cycle to figure out what to eat for dinner would make me a very dead Reflector. I also keep in mind how long something has been in my energetic field. If a big decision comes my way in relationship to something that has already been in my energetic field for over a lunar cycle, I won't necessarily wait another lunar cycle to make the decision. My favorite example of this is how I decided to join a Mastermind with my Human Design mentor without waiting a lunar cycle. Investing quite a bit of money into a 3 month course is something I would usually consider to be a big decision. However, I had already decided I wanted to invest my money in Human Design. I had also been listening to my mentor's podcast for well over a year at that point. I knew I wanted to invest in Human Design and I knew she was she was someone I enjoyed listening to and learning from, so I went ahead and signed up. And what a fantastic decision it was...I have developed such a beautiful community from that Mastermind. I have friends that I hold so dearly, some of whom I talk to regularly from that Mastermind. I was also invited to join my mentor's team as a result of how I showed up in the Mastermind; I now work for her as the Reflector coach and guide in her community. All this came from NOT waiting a lunar cycle, and I'm continually grateful for that choice.

So, what does this have to do with building up a brand and clientele?

Well, everything, basically. Understanding my Reflectorness is essential. I know I need to attract clients and business collaborators that are okay with the inconsistencies in my beingness. They also need to be okay with seeing their Reflections in me. My aura type is here to reflect the health of the community; I do this without even realizing it the majority of the time. It can be beautiful for those on the receiving end, but also very uncomfortable for those not ready for my super shiny auric mirror. I need to lean into trust that I will attract the people who are meant to work with me, who are comfortable seeing a very clear reflection of themselves in me consistently.

I need to understand the nuances of my lunar cycle. When I should be waiting a lunar cycle for business decisions and when that isn't necessary. Practical examples: The other day, I signed up on a whim to be a Brand Ambassador for a clothing brand that I love. I was about to post on Instagram about this and share my coupon code, but then I realized I needed a lunar cycle before jumping all in to this. The idea of collaborating with brands had not been in my energetic field prior to the moment I saw I could sign up, and I realized it wasn't in alignment for me to jump into this Brand Ambassadorship without communing with the moon for a bit. Yes, I probably will end up posting more about this brand on my social media and inviting people to use my discount code, but it's not the time yet. I also realized it would probably be best for me to build up my brand a bit more before trying to sell other brands.

On the flip side, when one of my friends suggested I add shorter sessions to my site, I gave it a few days to think over, I sounded board out to a few other friends (a topic I think I'll leave for another post...sound boarding is a world of its own), and then ultimately added these shorter sessions without waiting a lunar cycle. Making myself more accessible has been in my field for over a lunar cycle now. Plus, it's not like I was adding completely new and unique sessions. I was simply lowering the time on existing sessions.

Reflectors are designed to move slow. It's part of who we are and, I believe that, as more Reflectors around the world embrace this, the better off we'll be as Reflectors and as a collective humanity. When we embrace our slow nature, we will naturally allow more of our signature of surprise and delight into our lives. We will naturally be led to support the people we are meant to support in this life. We also will naturally provide a beautiful example to all of the other aura types out there; while no other type is designed to move as slow as us, we can provide inspiration to them that slowing down is okay and even necessary at times. Yet, Human Design isn't something to process solely through the mind. If we Reflectors get it in our heads that we have to wait a lunar cycle for EVERYTHING, we will ultimately be a disservice to ourselves and others.

I fully believe that Reflectors can be successful as entrepreneurs. When we lean into our inconsistencies, as well as the nuances of our lunar cycle, beautiful things can happen. As for me? Will I be successful? Well, I didn't launch my website when the 29, Gate of Commitment, was transiting for nothing.

I'll be sure to write about it here, but I'm planning to follow my Strategy and Authority towards success in whatever way that looks like for me.

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